In-Depth Information about the 2 available programs:
In-Depth Astrological Natal Chart Readings
All In-Depth Astrological Natal Chart Analysis include: Astrological remediation suggestions, a full written PDF report, and a live 90-minute to 2 hour in-depth Astrological Zoom reading.​​
​Due to the fact that Astrology is an ECLIPTIC SCIENCE I use the Tropical Zodiac (which is based exclusively on the Ecliptic), the most accurate house system which is the Placidus House System (which is based on the planetary hours and other Babylonian methods of time keeping), Classical Ptolemaic Triplicity Rulers & Bound Lords, Chaldean Faces, A combination of Westen and Vedic Planetary Aspects, Interpretive Techniques from Ancient Hellenistic, Medieval, Renaissance, Vedic, Hermetic, Cabalistic Astrology lineages combined and modified with the most accurate modern astrological concepts. Some of the techniques range from Transits, Solar Arcs, Solar Returns, Primary Directions, Secondary Progressions, Vimshottari Dasha and Buhkti. I am also a highly skilled intuitive psychic, and this helps the process out immensely.
For those seeking to do the full Astrological Hypnosis Program you will receive all of the same things as the in-depth astrological Natal Chart Analysis plus:
A powerful hypnosis audio
PDFs with metaphysical techniques to implement for fast transformation and manifestation
One live In-depth consultation (2 hours)
One live in-depth coaching session (2 hours)
One live in-depth hypnosis session (2 hours)​​​
Keep in mind that with about 95% of my clients are working with me an average of 4 to 6 weeks.
About only 5% of my clients are working with me for 6 months or more. These tend to be either clients with very serious problems, or with a lot of issues to resolve or these individuals are high-level entrepreneurs, coaches, hypnotists, and or are clients I provide monthly astrological consulting to. These longer term exceptions are available upon request. This is usually done as a session-by-session basis after undergoing the astrological hypnosis program.​​
Every case is different, and every program will be tailored differently to each client.
Below are more details and process about the stand alone astrological natal chart report:
The in-depth astrological natal chart report is 30 to 40 page (or more) is an In-Depth written analysis of your natal chart. It's very in-depth and generally covers everything the person needs to understand about their chart, however, due to the nature of the soul, the report will have a lenience towards one specific question or topic and will include applicable astrological remediations guidelines and actionable metaphysical and or hypnotic steps to achieve success and or substantially improve in the desired area of concern) *please specify ahead of time in your booking if you have an area of concern or question you want to have answered.
The report is usually delivered to your email as a PDF within 3-7 days from the date of your purchase (keep in mind that the average PDF delivery time can take 7-10 days (depending on how many clients I am dealing with at that moment in time) from the moment we have the first initial live Zoom meeting; for most clients* please also keep in mind that I spend 10-15 hours of study on each chart to make sure I give the most accurate and meaningful information and astrological guidance).
This PDF is all personally typed by me and is not generated a computer or AI program. I actually sit down and study your chart from: firstly, its natal configuration (Also known as: D1; Birth Chart) and then sometimes based on the specifics I discuss with you in the initial live Zoom meeting, I may have to look at your chart from different angles and or divisional charts (for example reading your chart not only from the normal Birth Chart but also from the Moon as the Ascendant; aka: Chandra Lagna in Vedic Astrological terms, and or using a D10 Chart for Career, and using both Ancient Kabbalistic and Vedic Astrology interpretive techniques). I can go into an in-depth look at your transits, progressions, and or solar arcs if you request it for an additional investment of $ 222.00. We can discuss these options in the initial zoom meeting prior to your actual reading.
After you purchase the reading, we will get in contact through email,and set up your initial zoom meeting with me which takes about 30-45 minutes. The initial live Zoom meeting is where you and I will get to know each other and where you get to voice your concerns and ask me any questions and or concerns about the reading and what you'd like me to concentrate on (examples: career, love/marriage, kids, parents, future) plus I gets to ask you a few questions as well that may prompt you to discover what you'd really like to know about you and your chart.
Then after this initial meeting, I'll begin working on your report. This takes on average about 3-7 days more or less (depends on the type of reading you agree on with me and the amount of work I have at the moment). When the report is done, I will contact you via email, text and or phone, then we'll both decide on a good date for having your in-depth astrological Zoom reading (the official reading) and I will email you the report as well a few days before the reading so that you can familiarize yourself with the report and if you have any additional questions you can ask me prior to the reading date and I'll go over your chart and make sure I can answer those additional questions for you. *keep in mind that I spend an average of 10-15 hours studying any given chart to ensure I provide the best and most accurate information for you.
The live zoom astrology session may include some hypnosis, and coaching if time allows for it, however, please keep in mind that in most cases, the stand alone astrology readings don't allow much time for hypnosis or coaching due to the in-depth nature of the reading, which is why I offer the full Astrological Hypnosis Program which has the addition of hypnosis, coaching and is in general a lot more specific and one-on-one simply because you are meeting with me live through Zoom at least 3 times (besides the initial meeting).
Both the birth chart reading, and hypnosis program are the most personalized, and non-computerized in-depth Astrology report and Metaphysical coaching program (in addition to being the longest both in report length and in time duration) available in the world.​​
As a quick recap, the basic standalone in-depth birth chart reading program includes:
An initial consultation (30-45 minutes)
A written PDF report (usually 30 to 40 pages in length but sometimes longer)
A live in-depth Astrological reading on Zoom (takes on average about 90 minutes up to 2 hours)
Astrological remediations
The In-depth Astrological Hypnosis includes a minimum of:
Everything the in-depth birth chart reading program
A powerful hypnosis audio
PDFs with metaphysical techniques to implement for fast transformation and manifestation
One live In-depth consultation (2 hours)
One live in-depth coaching session (2 hours)
One live in-depth hypnosis session (2 hours)
Booking is easy, all you need to do is to purchase whichever option you'd like using one of the specialized links below.
After you Purchase your selected option simply email me at:
with your name and birth information for the astrology reading/and or astrological program and a screenshot of your payment confirmation and we will plan out the best time and date for your initial live zoom meeting with me in where we will discuss an in-depth plan and approach for you and set up your following meetings as well.
IMPORTANT: There are occasions that I am booked out months ahead of time. If you are in a rush, and or are in need of an immediate reading just email me immediately at:
with your request and I will do my best to attend to it and to prioritize based on your situation.
or just fill out the contact form below so that I can provide an "emergency reading or consultation" for you as soon as possible.
I believe in the power of transparency, if you need something, please be transparent and clear with me and I will do everything within my possibility to help you through Astrology, Hypnosis, and my Intuitive Gifts.
Light and Blessings
*Important note: 11:11 Hypnosis is a sister company to 9th House Books ( and the PayPal email associated to both companies is connected to the booking options on this page. The Payment you make will appear on your invoice or PayPal statement as made to 9th House Books. This is normal, and is part of the synchronicity of 11:11 Hypnosis and 9th House Books.